Computer Engineer & Software Developer @ Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory - LNLS


Undergraduate projects @ École Centrale Supélec

You will find below some of the projects realized during the two years I studied at École Centrale Supélec as a double degree student. The following projects are quickly introduced in the next sections:

Projet de Synthèse

This project was realized in the end of the first year of the engineering course and its objective was to implement the MUSIC algorithm which is basically used to detect frequencies in noised signals. It uses the autocorrelation matrix of the input signal and its eigenvalues and eigenvectors to determine if a frequency is part of that noise or not. All the sources files were written in Matlab and can be found in this Github repository. The final report is equally available here.

Projet de Développement Logiciel

The software development project, realized in the beginning of the second year, consisted of implementing a Peg solitaire game in Java language. Our missions were to develop an user graphical interface based on the swing framework and an effective AI that could leave the table with the smallest number of pieces. Many design patterns were equally used during the development. We based our AI on the Branch and Bound algorithm. UML diagrams, report and source codes are all available!

Projet de Conception

The last project developed at Ecole Centrale Supélec consisted of another game, called Pentago, written in Matlab. The main purpose of this project was to implement an AI capable of beating our advisor's. To achieve this, we based our solution on the alpha-beta search algorithm to analyze and choose the future moves. In the end, we obtained great results compared to our advisor's AI, being able to beat it in more than the half of the simulated matches. All GUI was developed in Matlab as well. The report is available here and the source codes, here.