Computer Engineer & Software Developer @ Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory - LNLS


Personal Information

Currently, I'm working at Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory as part of the Control Group. Our main responsibilities are to implement hardware and software capable to provide communication interfaces to all other devices, such as current sources and vaccum pumps, in the machine. I'm also attending some courses at the Institute of Computing, looking for a master's degree by the end of 2018.

I recently earned my undergraduate degree in computer engineering from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC) of UNICAMP. During the period from 2013 to 2015, I realized part of my undergraduate formation in France at École Centrale Supélec, as a double degree student between the two educational institutions.

I have also a technical degree in computing at UNICAMP's Technical School of Campinas - COTUCA (Portuguese only).

If you want further information about my experience, please feel free to check out my CVs or contact me throught the address


Find below my resumé, available in three different language versions: